(5 reviews)
Cranbourne VIC 3977
Please note that the prices shown should be regarded as indicative prices and estimates only. The prices are based on information obtained over the phone, price lists and/or email quotes from Gardenia Funerals. Prices with an asterisk* are estimated solely on the average prices charged by funeral homes in the state. For more on how we obtain our prices, please see our Disclosures. For an exact price quote, contact Gardenia Funerals using the Request Quote button on this page.
Transfer of Remains to Funeral Home | (Included) |
Mortuary Care Fee | (Included) |
Hearse | (Included) |
Viewing (During Business Hours) | (Included) |
Death Certificate | (Included) |
Cremation Fee | (Included) |
Cremation Certificates | (Included) |
Coffin | (Included) |
Cremation Coffin | (Included) |
Urn / Scattering Tube | (Included) |
Celebrant | (Included) |
Family Limousine | $650 |
Flowers | $250 |
Orders of Service | $250 |
Thank you Cards | $190* |
Memorial Book | $55 |
Online / Newspaper Notices | $270* |
Catering | $340* |
Embalming | $395 |
Dressing | (Included) |
Grave Marker | $150 |
The indicative prices shown are for your personal reference only and cannot be guaranteed. Prices will vary depending on your exact requirements and circumstances, and are subject to change.
Estimated Cost
5(5 Reviews)
Cranbourne, 3977, VIC, Australia,
7 years ago
7 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
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